Test the Synchronous Pipeline

Time Estimate: 10 - 15 minutes.

In this section we will upload an image with text at Amazon S3 and examine the results.

  1. Download the employmentapp.png test picture.


  2. Navigate to the Amazon S3 service and click on the S3 bucket that you created earlier

  3. Click Upload and Add files. Then choose the employmentapp.png file that you downloaded earlier. Finally click Upload like below:

  4. A few seconds later you should see a folder in the S3 bucket named employmentapp.png-analysis. Drill into the folder to examine the different text analysis files that have been generated. Feel free to download those and examine the content. Also feel free to upload other documents to your S3 bucket and experiment.


    The page-1-text.txt file for example has detected the text in the picture like below:

    Applicant Information
    Full Name: Jane Doe
    Phone Number: 555-0100
    Home Address: 123 Any Street, Any Town. USA
    Mailing Address: same as home address
    Previous Employment History
    Start Date
    End Date
    Employer Name
    Position Held
    Reason for leaving
    Any Company
    Head Baker
    Family relocated
    Example Corp.
    N/A, current
  5. Navigate to your DynamoDB tables and examine the entries as well. You should see 2 entries:

    • 1 entry at the Documents table referring to the uploaded image.
    • 6 entries at the Outputs table referring to the image analysis.