Create the Lambda Function

Time Estimate: 5 - 10 minutes

In this section you will create the Task Processor Lambda function

  1. Make sure you are in N. Virginia region. Look for the Lambda service in the AWS Management console and click on the highlighted result to access the service.

  2. Click Create function

  3. Follow the same steps as previously. Select the python runtime as shown below and configure the execution role to be the IAM role that that was created with CloudFormation when you were setting up the project. Click Create function.

    Task Processor Lambda
  4. Copy the code below. The code will be triggered as soon as a new row is added to the Documents DynamoDB table and will place a message in the synchronous SQS queue.

import json
import os
from helper import FileHelper, AwsHelper

def postMessage(client, qUrl, jsonMessage):

    message = json.dumps(jsonMessage)


    print("Submitted message to queue: {}".format(message))

def processRequest(request):

    output = ""

    print("request: {}".format(request))

    documentId = request["documentId"]
    bucketName = request["bucketName"]
    objectName = request["objectName"]

    print("Input Object: {}/{}".format(bucketName, objectName))

    ext = FileHelper.getFileExtenstion(objectName.lower())
    print("Extension: {}".format(ext))

    if(ext and ext in ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"]):
        qUrl = request['syncQueueUrl']
    elif (ext in ["pdf"]):
        qUrl = request['asyncQueueUrl']

        features = ["Text", "Forms", "Tables"]

        jsonMessage = { 'documentId' : documentId,
            "features" : features,
            'bucketName': bucketName,
            'objectName' : objectName }

        client = AwsHelper().getClient('sqs')
        postMessage(client, qUrl, jsonMessage)

    output = "Completed routing for documentId: {}, object: {}/{}".format(documentId, bucketName, objectName)


def processRecord(record, syncQueueUrl, asyncQueueUrl):
    newImage = record["dynamodb"]["NewImage"]
    documentId = None
    bucketName = None
    objectName = None
    documentStatus = None
    if("documentId" in newImage and "S" in newImage["documentId"]):
        documentId = newImage["documentId"]["S"]
    if("bucketName" in newImage and "S" in newImage["bucketName"]):
        bucketName = newImage["bucketName"]["S"]
    if("objectName" in newImage and "S" in newImage["objectName"]):
        objectName = newImage["objectName"]["S"]
    if("documentStatus" in newImage and "S" in newImage["documentStatus"]):
        documentStatus = newImage["documentStatus"]["S"]

    print("DocumentId: {}, BucketName: {}, ObjectName: {}, DocumentStatus: {}".format(documentId, bucketName, objectName, documentStatus))

    if(documentId and bucketName and objectName and documentStatus):
        request = {}
        request["documentId"] = documentId
        request["bucketName"] = bucketName
        request["objectName"] = objectName
        request['syncQueueUrl'] = syncQueueUrl
        request['asyncQueueUrl'] = asyncQueueUrl


def lambda_handler(event, context):

        print("event: {}".format(event))

        syncQueueUrl = os.environ['SYNC_QUEUE_URL']
        asyncQueueUrl = ""

        if("Records" in event and event["Records"]):
            for record in event["Records"]:
                    print("Processing record: {}".format(record))

                    if("eventName" in record and record["eventName"] == "INSERT"):
                        if("dynamodb" in record and record["dynamodb"] and "NewImage" in record["dynamodb"]):
                            processRecord(record, syncQueueUrl, asyncQueueUrl)

                except Exception as e:
                    print("Faild to process record. Exception: {}".format(e))

    except Exception as e:
        print("Failed to process records. Exception: {}".format(e))
  1. We need to configure an enviroment variables in order for our Lambda fucntion to be able to identify the appropriate SQS Queue to drop the message to. The enviroment variable we are going to configure is:

    SYNC_QUEUE_URL -> Synchronous SQS Queue
  2. Configure the environment variable as shown below. Then click Save to save the Lambda function.

    Sync queue